Loved for Life

Loved for Life Legacy Program

CWOB understands that your pets are part of your family and that you are committed to caring for them for life. We understand that it is important to you to get a plan in place should the unexpected happen, if you become seriously ill or even if they outlive you.

Loved for Life is a special offering for supporters who have pledged a commitment to animals by including CWOB in their estate plans or making a minimum contribution of $5,000.

By enrolling in this program you can ensure that your pet will find a loving home and be cared for no matter what.

Our Loved for Life Legacy program offers the following benefits:

• Loved for Life Legacy Members fill out a Pet profile, which includes a written letter to the animal’s new caregiver, which helps CWOB staff find the perfect match for your pet CWOB will pick up your animal as long as they are within a 60 mile radius of Santa Rosa, CA. If outside this area, alternate arrangements will have to be made.

• Program is limited to dogs and cats

• Upon arrival, the pet will be examined by veterinarians and behavior experts to receive medical care, vaccinations, and to figure out the right placement for the pet
Ideally within 24 hours, the pet will be placed in our foster care program and be cared for in a volunteer’s home until a permanent home can be found.

• CWOB will try to place pairs of pets together, but cannot guarantee it will always be possible. The program is limited to four pets.

• CWOB will screen potential adopters and will follow-up post adoption to verify the placement is working well.

Steps for enrolling your pet:

• Include a minimum of gift of $5,000 to CWOB or include us in your estate planning

• Complete the Pet Enrollment form

• Fill out a detailed Pet Profile for each animal (up to four pets) and include photos

• Write a letter to the new caregiver (optional)

• Return the above materials to CWOB

• Once received, we will contact you about meeting the pet in person at our shelter.

Click Here to Fill The Love for Life Program Enrollment Form: